Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MODERN PROBLEMS Print Available Now

This one has been in the works for a while and I'm very excited to announce my first official art print - Modern Problems, available now from Shirt Killer. This is a massive 18x24" screenprint of the design from Coliseum's t-shirt of the same name, in a signed and numbered edition of 50. It's screenprinted with water-based ink on heavy 100lb French Speckletone Starch Rain paper. Hope you dig it.


mlp said...

yo ryan.. not sure where to find an email for you, but i just digitized a copy of the old synapsis stuff jaha taped for me in like 5th grade. if you want it, hit me up and i'll upload a zip for you. blast from the past!


AUX said...

I think I have all of that stuff in my iTunes, spent a few hours transferring that stuff from cassettes to CDs many years ago. A post on my high school band would be quite a doozy down the line...

mlp said...

get it up there! i just recently moved the rest of my stuff out of my parent's down in louisville, so it was a nice find.

Demian Johnston said...

real nice man. good to see you are doing such rad stuff still.

Tyler Bronis said...

awesome work man!